

Sigfrid Lundberg's Stuff

2011-09-16: Costs and benefits of standards
The Library communities have been more prone to accept and create standards than most other communities. Here I try to list costs and benifits for this.
Metadata, Metadata processing, The Library, 2011

2010-02-21: The proliferation of redundant meaning
I first used the term semantic drift about 10 years ago. It was a real danger then, it still is but the proliferation of synonymous vocabularies is worse still.
Internet, Metadata, 2010

2009-12-01: Fifteen polar bears and one architecture
Today I gave a presentation on our metadata work. My experience of that turned out to be about images.
Metadata, 2009

2009-08-24: Five years that formed the digital library as we know it: 1997-2001
It appeared to me that many the standards and technologies underpinning the digital library as we know it were formed during five years around the turn of the century.
Metadata, 2009

2009-07-21: The description and encoding of structure
Much metadata is fairly stright forward. A book does have a title and an author. That's usually no big deal. We've been able to handle that for centuries. A digital book has chapters, and everything you might want to know may be in chapter two on page seventyfive. Or someone may tell you the solution to your problems after a quarter of an hour in some video on YouTube. Now, how do we cope with this?
Structural web design, Metadata, 2009

2009-06-27: My first serious experience with ATOM
You don't really understand a document format until you've manually encoded some documents, and written the software to parse and use it for something useful. This somewhat refurbished version of my web site is to a large extent built upon the ATOM syndication format, and here I discuss my experience.
Structural web design, Metadata, 2009

2002: The Metadata model in Scripta Academica Lundensis
This document specifies the metadata once used in the Lund university dissertation database.
Digital collections, XML processing, Metadata, 2002

2002: S:t Laurentius Digital Manuscript Library: An excursion along the border between resource discovery and resource description
This note has three aims. First it discusses the experiences gained by the development of a specific service, which, using a collection of detailed XML descriptions, provides its users access to a collection of digitized medieval manuscripts. Secondly, it discusses the database used from the point of view of both retrieval of the intellectual content (the texts) of these manuscripts and of the retrieval of the manuscripts as unique entities. Finally, it explores the possibilities for searching a collection of complex XML documents using a full text retrieval engine used together with the Z39.50 information retrieval protocol.
XML processing, Text encoding, Metadata, Digital humanities, Digitization, 2002

2002: Lecture notes: S:t Laurentius Digital Manuscript Library
In this lecture, I discussed the experiences gained by the development of a specific service, which, using a collection of detailed XML descriptions, provides its users access to a collection of digitized medieval manuscripts. Secondly, I discussed the database used from the point of view of both retrieval of the intellectual content (the texts) of these manuscripts and of the retrieval of the manuscripts as unique entities. Finally, I turned to the possibilities for searching a collection of complex XML documents using a full text retrieval engine used together with the Z39.50 information retrieval protocol.
XML processing, Metadata, Digital humanities, Digitization, 2002

2005: Ediffah
En superkort presentation om Ediffah, hållen vid Ediffahprojektets avslutning på Kungl. Biblioteket i Stockholm den 28 oktober 2005
Metadata, Archival description, 2005

2004: Metadata makes the world going round - en orientering om användning av Metadata och XML
Sara Kjellberg och jag höll ett antal kurser om metadata o. XML. detta är vår presentation. Vi höll det inom ramen för BTJs kursutbud.
XML processing, Metadata, 2004

2004: Vad en bra samling av digital text bör kunna
En diskussion av vilka funktioner ett bra textarkiv bör, och vad digitalisering bör innebära.
Digital libraries, Metadata, Digital collections, 2004

2003: Pesistent länkning och digitala bibliotek
Åtskillig uppmärksamhet har nyligen riktats mot problemen förknippade med att uppnå en stabilare webb. Det konstateras, helt korrekt, att mängder med dokument bara försvinner från sina ursprungliga platser. Vad skall man då göra åt saken? Vad är det för grundläggande designproblem som gör att organisationer vilka underhåller länksamlingar av olika slag tvingas bära en allt tyngre börda?
Digital libraries, Metadata, 2003

2004: Ediffah – En digital infrastruktur för forskningsbibliotekens arkiv- och handskriftssamlingar
Projektet syftar till att göra det möjligt att att skapa skapa allmänt tillgängliga kataloger och arkivbeskrivningar över bibliotekens handskriftssamlingar och personarkiv. Systemet skall vara enkelt, och innehålla ett arbetsflöde sådant att posterna som genereras också med automatik kan återfinnas i Nationella arkivdatabasen NAD, vårt gemensamma bibliotekssystem LIBRIS, såväl som i lokala databaser.
Archival description, Metadata, XML processing, 2004

2003: Teknisk samverkan mellan svenska ämnesportaler - Test och utvärdering av portalprogramvaran TKL
En utvärdering av digital library produkten Keystone DLS (TKL)
Digital collections, Metadata, Reviews, XML processing, 2003

2003: Implementering av OAI-PMH i ett bibliotekssystem -- Några ord på vägen
Syftet med denna text är att ge lite kött på benen om vad OAI-PMH är, vad det kan användas till och hur det skulle kunna integreras i ett bibliotekssystem. Det är inte en ersättning för andra dokument utan skall ses som några ord på vägen för organisationer som planerar att eller är i färd med att implementera OAI-PMH. Texten skrevs på uppdrag av
Harvesting, Metadata, Library catalogues, 2003

2001: Technical description of the Studera.Nu search engine Harvesting policies, maintenance and software used
This is a description of the Studera.NU search engine in the very first version. The search engine carries focused information, all of which is indexed manually by content providers. The indexing information is embedded into web pages using meta tags, and the service is built using a harvesting robot. This article documents the functions of the search engine Studera.NU, its robot, search software etc. It aims at providing necessary background information both for staff involved in system management and future developers. A second aim is to give pinpoint areas for future developments of the service.
Web indexing, Harvesting, Metadata, 2001

1998: A regional distributed WWW search and indexing service - the DESIRE way
In an attempt to implement a regional search engine we have created an open, metadata aware system for distributed, collaborative WWW-indexing. The system has three main components: a harvester (for collecting information), a database (for making the collection searchable), and a user interface (for making the information available). All components can be distributed across networked computers, thus supporting scalability. The system is metadata aware and thus allows searches on several fields including title, document author, and URL. Nordic Web Index (NWI) is an application using this system to create a regional Nordic web-indexing service. NWI is built using five collaborating service points within the Nordic countries. The NWI databases can be used to build additional services. Services today include special metadata databases, multimedia databases, and statistics about the Nordic Web.
Web indexing, Harvesting, Metadata, Z39.50, 1998

2002: XML -- en mjuk start för biblioteksfolk Mitt ständigt ofärdiga undervisningsmaterial (...och en del annat)
Denna text syftar till att ge en överblick över vissa områden av det digitala biblioteksområdet vilka är stadda i snabb utveckling. En utveckling som i hög grad katalyseras av utvecklingen av olika tillämpningar av eXtensible Markup Language, XML, som i år fyller fem år. Utöver användningen av XML inom det digitala biblioteksväsendet ges en överblick över modernt tänkande när det gäller metadata, hur XML kan tänkas påverka hur vi tar del av, och hanterar elektroniska texter både i form av digitalt bevarande och publicering av t ex forskningsrapporter.
XML processing, Text encoding, Metadata, 2002

2000: Metadata harvesting
This is unfortunately unpublished, but it presents most one of the most extensive datasets on the content of HTML embedded metadata which I collected while working with the Nordic Webindex.
Web indexing, Harvesting, Metadata, Z39.50, 2000

1999: The Noble Art of Being Indexed or the Webmaster's Guide to Harvesting Robots
As the title indicates, this is a note on how to be indexed by search engines. It is obsolete. Please note that it does not contain anything about search engine optimization in the modern evil sense. Instead it pinpoints what harvesting robots did understand, and what they didn't at the turn of the last century.
Web indexing, Metadata, Structural web design, 1999

1998: En arkitektur för ett distribuerat system för spridning av forskningsinformation
Arkitekturen för ett nätverk av tjänster för spridning av forskningsinformation beskrivs. Nätverket tillåter distribuerat underhåll av såväl data som metadata. Till nätverket kan anslutas såväl bibliografiska databaser som helt WWWbaserade metadataberikade tjänster. Metadataproduktionen följer standarden Dublin Core. De förra typerna av tjänster inkorporeras i nätverket genom interoperabilitet på sökprotokollsnivå, medan metadata och fulltext från de senare göres sökbara genom en WWWrobot. Kommunikation inom nätverket utnyttjar standardiserade Internet protokoll som HTTP, och för informationsåtervinning Z39.50
Web indexing, Harvesting, Metadata, Z39.50, 1998

1998: NWI II, An Enhanced Nordic Web index: Final report
The Nordic Web Index (NWI) project is a collaborative effort across the Nordic countries, aiming at providing a free Worldwide Web search service to the general public in the countries involved. NWI has been fruitful for several reasons: First and foremost we are today providing access to databases covering the WWW in four of the Nordic countries and, as of September 1998, five service points in six languages Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Iceland.
Web indexing, Harvesting, Metadata, Z39.50, 1998

1997: A proposal for metadata formats for use in the Swedish Enviro-Net
This paper outlines a combination of the Dublin Core metadata embedded in HTML metadata tags and the GILS Z39.50 profile used for information retrieval. It is a combination would solve the distributed indexing, search and retrieval problems within a network of environmental authorities. The Swedish Enviro-Net lived for a few years at the end of 1990ties.
Web indexing, Metadata, Z39.50, 1997


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My name is Sigfrid Lundberg. The stuff I publish here may, or may not, be of interest for anyone else.

On this site there is material on photography, music, literature and other stuff I enjoy in life. However, most of it is related to my profession as an Internet programmer and software developer within the area of digital libraries. I have been that at the Royal Danish Library, Copenhagen (Denmark) and, before that, Lund university library (Sweden).

The content here does not reflect the views of my employers. They are now all past employers, since I retired 1 May 2023.